Meet the Team


Hello there! My name is Lyric DeMaio and I consider myself to be a life-long horse nerd. Ever since I took my first pony ride at the age of five, I found myself always hungry to learn more information about horses, how their body works, and why.

I first began my journey into what is now known as EquiLogic when I purchased my first horse, Pilot, a young OTTB with the classic TB feet. He had what is commonly known as high/low syndrome and couldn’t hold a shoe for more than two weeks. Everyone I had asked about these things just gave the answer of, “He’s a thoroughbred, they have bad feet” and “high/low syndrome is normal”. But it seemed when I was to ask why, there were no answers. If I asked if he could be barefoot, I was met with bewildered stares.

On my seemingly life-long quest to find answers to all the whys I asked, I dove headfirst into research. I read scientific articles, watched endless webinars, listen to podcasts, and finally decided, it was time for me to pull Pilot’s shoes. I made the call to the certified barefoot trimmer in my area, Jeannean Mercuri. We planned for her to come the very next day to remove his shoes.

From the moment Jeannean took off Pilot’s shoes, I saw it with my own eyes. Videos of heel first-landings he’s never had before, signs of comfort, licking, and chewing! I knew I had made the right choice, and now, I needed to know even more about natural hoof care. I asked endless amounts of questions, and I could tell Jeannean could see my inner horse nerd coming out.

It was this day that I was introduced to Progressive Hoof Care Practitioners (PHCP). That very night I signed up to begin my journey to becoming a certified hoof care practitioner. Very early on I discovered that horse soundness and comfort requires a whole-body approach and quickly realized this was my calling – Helping horses and their owners reach their full potential and live comfortable and happy lives!


JC Registered Name: Mutawasem

My sweet 2015 OTTB gelding, Pilot, was born in Ireland by Society Rock; an extremely sought-after Irish-bred, British-trained stallion. Out of It’s in the Air, an unraced Irish-bred mare.

Selling for an impressive quarter-of-a-million as a yearling, it seemed trainers saw his potential and believed he was destined for great wins. His connections must have been sorely disappointed when they learned that going fast was not something Pilot was remotely interested in. After only placing in two of his seven total races, he was retired to his second career.

By what I consider to be a stroke of luck, Pilot came into my life as a gangly five-year-old, covered in a dull bay coat littered with scrapes and patches of missing hair, crumbly hooves that couldn’t hold shoes for more than two weeks, and a personality that stole my heart from the second he hopped off the trailer. As cheesy as it sounds, I knew I was meant to find him.

After implementing the correct diet, trimming, and lifestyle changes, Pilot is now chunky, shiny, happy, and sound gelding on his way to becoming the perfect little hunter. Something that is just more his “speed”. (AKA SLOW!).

Zuzanna had her first introduction into the horse world at a summer camp while staying in Poland at just 8 years old. From the very moment she stepped onto the farm, she knew horses were going to be a lifelong passion. Since coming back to the United States after living in Europe, horses have been a part of her everyday life. Over the past 20 years, Zuzanna has owned multiple horses ranging in size, breed and discipline. Whether it be trail riding, competing in the hunter/jumper ring, loping around or galloping down the beach, Zu has done it all!

While her first encounter with horses began overseas, her expertise in clipping had begun in an entirely different field. Back in 2012, Zuzanna had begun her training in dog grooming. Although she had excelled in grooming dogs, she decided to combine her passion for horses and her new-found knowledge in grooming and turned the clippers to her equine partners.

With her years of horse ownership and experience, Zu delivers stunning and exceptional work, all while making the clipping a positive experience for the horse!
